Did you know that cravings are usually misdirected cues from your body that you need something?

After years of observing my own body behaviors I finally realized that 99% of the time when I am craving ice cream, it’s actually water that my body needs.

The Israelites that were rescued from Egypt’s slavery were brought from horrific conditions they’d all cried about. [Exodus 2:23] Yet, once they got on their journey they forgot the miracles God had done in their behalf and sinned against God in horrific ways – The number one way they betrayed God was idolatry; idolatry is adultery against God himself.

The children of Israel developed a craving. [Numbers 11:4-6] They demanded meat (flesh) because they craved it; they assumed that what their flesh craved was what was best for them, despite the fact that God was giving them food from heaven itself. No food on earth could have been as good for them as manna!

A craving comes strictly from the flesh itself – the flesh has no spirituality or understanding of its own. The flesh is nothing but earth so the flesh will crave and desire things that only come from the earth, and it inadvertently shuts out the things of heaven as a result.

People who fail God don’t start out with failure in mind – they start out with the fire of God, but they let the cares of this world (the earth, the flesh and cravings) drag them down until the craving gets strong and robs them of all the good things God had in store for them. [Mark 4:19]

We cannot walk a Godly life and constantly give in to cravings for things that have no true value. We cannot overlook the wonderful gifts God injects into our daily life because our flesh is directing our actions.

In Numbers 11:34 it says, “Therefore the place was named Kibroth Hattaavah, because there they buried the people who had craved other food.” Kibroth Hattaavah means “Graves of Desire”.

What we crave is rarely, if EVER what we NEED, cravings are misdirected cues that something is amiss – we need something so our bodies throw out signals, and the flesh brings forth a craving. Let’s face it, our bodies rarely crave the things that are good for us, but quite often the things we crave will cause death as an end result.

The ultimate need of all men is the food from heaven. So, don’t eat ice cream when you can be drinking living water. [John 4:10 7:38]